Scow Bay Retreat waterfront vacation home on Marrowstone Island near Port Townsend Washington on the Olympic Peninsula
Waterfront Vacation Home
on Marrowstone Island




the waterfront beach at Scow Bay Retreat








Recreation and Points of Interest

These links will open a new browser window, which you can just close to return to this page. Enjoy these photos of some of the recreational opportunities in our area.

Marrowstone Island

Port Townsend

Port Ludlow


Getting here is half the fun...

on one of the Washington State ferries!

Watch the Seattle skyline fade...

as you near the Olympic Peninsula on the ferry.
Once you get here there's lots to do...  

Explore the light house at Fort Flager...

or enjoy the miles of beaches and trails.

Charter a boat or bring your own and go fishing

Visit the lighthouse at Fort Worden

Visit the Port Townsend Farmer's Market and get fresh vegetables, fruits, and salmon...

and plants direct from the growers.

Hike through the Hoh Rainforest

Drive to Hurricane Ridge and hike in
the Olympic Mountains

Take a scenic drive to the Pacific Ocean, walk on the beach ...

and explore the tide pools

Take a day trip to Seattle and visit the world famous Pike Place Market...

and watch the Flying Salmon!
(This one is ready to be launched!)

Please contact us for further information and to make reservations.

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